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Terms of service

Palaygo is a language learning and communication program operated by the Australian Language Discovery Group (hereinafter referred to as "the Company").

When using Palaygo, participants must abide by the following rules.


Article 1 (Purpose)

These rules are established for the purpose of encouraging children from around the world to participate in Palaygo and to promote fun learning and mutual understanding of different cultures in an environment of free and open international communication that transcends borders and races.


Article 2 (Scope and changes to these rules))

1.These rules apply to all participants, including children and students, teachers, schools, parents, and others who use Palaygo.

2.The Company may change or add to the content of Parego without obtaining prior consent from participants (children, students, teachers, schools, parents).

3.Provisions not defined in these rules will be added as appropriate.


Article 3 (Contents of Parego)

Palaygo Mail and Palaygo Talk are learning communication programs on Palaygo's original website where Japanese and overseas children can interact and learn each other's languages ​​and cultures, and the system and its communication content.


Article 4 (Prohibited acts of participants)

1. Transferring or providing to others the ID or password obtained by participating in Palaygo.

2. Any act that causes inconvenience or disadvantage to other participants or third parties.

3. Any act that may interfere with the operation of Palaygo.

4. Any act that violates the privacy of others.

5. Any act that discloses the personal information of others (address, telephone number, external email address, etc.).

6. Any act that discloses your own personal information (address, telephone number, external email address, etc.).

7. Violating copyrights and intellectual property rights, using any confidential information obtained through Palaygo (information related to management and business, Palaygo's system, manual contents, etc.) for purposes other than using Palaygo, or transferring or providing it to a third party.

8. Using Palaygo for content that is illegal or clearly contrary to public order and morals.

9. Any other actions that the organization deems inappropriate.

10. Any actions that violate other rules set forth in Parego activities.


Article 5 (Qualifications of Participants)

1. Participants in Palaygo are elementary school, junior high school, and high school students, as well as the person in charge, staff, teachers, and parents who manage these participants.

2. Teachers, classrooms, schools, and membership organizations that educate elementary school, junior high school, and high school students.

3. Using or participating in Palaygo for purposes other than those listed above is prohibited.

Article 6 (ID and Password)

1. Participants shall not allow a third party to use their ID and participant password, or sell, transfer, or lend them to others, unless otherwise specified by the organization.

2. Participants are responsible for managing and using their ID and participant password, and the organization shall not be held responsible for any errors in use or unauthorized use by a third party.


Article 7 (Regarding Parego Payments)

1. In principle, the date of joining Palaygo is the date of payment to the organization (annual membership fee and first month's monthly membership fee).

2. Palaygo Talk monthly fees must be paid in advance.

3. If a participant wishes to withdraw from the organization, he/she must apply to the organization, and the organization will withdraw the participant's membership on the last day of the month following the application, and will stop withdrawing monthly membership fees from the participant thereafter.

4. In the event of withdrawal from the organization, annual membership fees will not be refunded.


Article 8 (Regarding Parego Talk Reservations)

1. Palaygo Talk reservations can be made at least 7 days before the reservation date (reservations from the 1st to 7th of the month can be made from one week before the month before).

2. Palaygo Talk reservations can be changed or canceled up to one week before the reservation date.

3. In principle, changes and cancellations cannot be made within one week.

4. If you are unable to make a reservation with the other party within the month, you can carry it over to the next month only if we can confirm that you have multiple "talk available" entries.

5. If we can confirm that there was a connection error of 10 minutes or more during a Palaygo Talk, we will allow you to reschedule the talk session free of charge.

6. Only if the other party who made a Palaygo Talk reservation cancels the reservation, you can register for "talk reservation" or "talk available" again free of charge. In that case, if you are unable to make a reservation again within the same month, you can reschedule it to the following month or later.


Article 9 (Suspension/Cancellation of Account)

If any of the following applies to a participant, the organization may, without assuming any responsibility, suspend the participant's use of Palaygo or cancel the participant's account after notifying the participant's school.

1. If it is discovered that the participant has notified the organization of false information regarding these regulations.

2. If the participant violates the provisions of Article 4.


Article 10 (Deletion of File Information)

If there is a risk that the file capacity of the Palaygo equipment will be full, the organization may delete the exchange information stored in the file without notice.


Article 11 (Copyright)

1. Unless otherwise specified, the copyright and other intellectual property rights to the Palaygo provided by the organization, as well as improvements and other modifications to the Palaygo that occur in the course of its use, shall belong to the organization, regardless of who proposed them.

2. Participants shall not reproduce, publish, broadcast, or transmit to the public any information obtained through the use of Palaygo, regardless of the method, without the prior consent of the Organization, for purposes beyond the scope of personal use, or allow a third party to do so.

3. Participants shall not reproduce Palaygo, and shall not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise analyze Palaygo, regardless of the reason.


Article 12 (Handling of Personal Information)

1. The Organization shall use personal information only for the operation and maintenance of Palaygo.

2. The Organization shall not disclose or provide personal information of participants to third parties other than contractors and supervising organizations without their consent, for purposes other than the operation and maintenance of Parego.

3. Please note that the Organization may use photos, videos, etc. of participants using Palaygo for public relations purposes with prior consent.

4. The Company shall not be held responsible for any personal information that the Participant discloses or provides to Parego.


Article 13 (Disclaimer of Liability of the Company)

1. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the Participant as a result of using Palaygo, except for damages caused by the Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence.

2. The Participant shall store the data registered in the Participant's area at his/her own risk, and the Company shall not be held responsible in the event of loss of such data.

3. The Company shall not be held responsible in any way for the suspension of network operation due to natural disasters, unforeseen accidents, etc.

4. The Company may suspend the Participant's use of Palaygo without bearing any liability in any of the following cases:

(1) When unavoidable due to maintenance or construction of Palaygo's facilities

(2) When a Japanese or overseas telecommunications carrier suspends telecommunications services

5. When the Company suspends the use of Palaygo pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company will notify the participant in advance. However, this does not apply in the case of an emergency or unavoidable circumstances.

6. The Company shall not be held liable for any damage caused by a participant to other participants or third parties through the use of Palaygo.


Article 14 (Compensation for Damages)

The Company may seek compensation for damages if a participant causes damage to the Company through acts that violate these rules or through fraudulent or illegal acts.


Article 15 (Confirmation of Agreement to These Rules)

IDs will be issued only after the participant has agreed to these rules.

Revised September 2024

Language Discovery Group

Australia office

Language Discovery Australia Pty Ltd

ACN: 141 124 727

Level17, 31 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Japan office
Palaygo Japan Inc.
7−13−6 Ginza, Chuo Ward,
Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

China office

Palaygo China (HK) Limited

607 Yen Sheng Centre, 64 Hoi Yuan Road, Kwun Tong, KL, Hong Kong 

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