Track Records
Used by over 100 schools, including English conversation schools
Number of students (cumulative ): Over 37,000 in total!
Examples of user groups:
Kinki University Hiroshima Junior and Senior High School
・Suginami Ward Board of Education, Tokyo
・Machida City Board of Education, Tokyo
・Sumida Ward Board of Education, Tokyo
・Edogawa Ward Board of Education, Tokyo
・Pomme English School (Osaka)
・Pukeko (Hokkaido)
・English School Lol (Saitama)
<Titles omitted/In no particular order> *Includes schools that have previously implemented the system
More than 100 customers have participated so far!
Example schools visited:
・Derinya Primary School (Melbourne)
・Carnegie Primary School (Victoria)
・Heathmont East Primary School (Victoria)
・Mooneedons Primary School(Melbourne)
・Yuluma Primary School (Perth)
<Titles omitted/in no particular order>
Examples of schools visited:
・Derinya Primary School (Melbourne)
・Carnegie Primary School (Victoria)
・Heathmont East Primary School (Victoria)
・Mooneepons Primary School (Melbourne)
・Yuluma Primary School (Perth) <Titles omitted/in no particular order>