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Fireworks Festival/花火大会



G'day! みなさんこんにちは。G'day! Hello everyone.


日本ではそろそろ夏休みに入り、多くの楽しいイベントが控えています。海や川に行って泳いだり、バーベキューしたりとアクティブに動けるのも夏の良さの一つです。It is almost time for summer vacation in Japan, and many fun events are coming up. One of the best things about summer is being able to be active, going to the sea or river for a swim or having a barbecue.



そこで今日は日本の夏を語る上で欠かせない、花火大会についてお話ししたいと思います。日本の花火大会は、その美しさと迫力で見る人々を魅了し、夏の夜を特別なものにしてくれます。それでは、日本の花火大会の魅力を一緒に見ていきましょう。So today, I would like to talk about fireworks festivals, which are an essential part of summer in Japan. Fireworks festivals in Japan fascinate everyone who sees them with their beauty and power and make summer evenings very special. Let's take a look at the charms of Japan's fireworks festivals together.




The origin of fireworks festivals in Japan dates back to the Edo period (1603-1868). It is said that fireworks were originally started to protect people from bad luck in summer and to ward off epidemics, and although they were not as large scale as now, they were enjoyed by the common people. Although they were not as large as they are today, they have been enjoyed by the general public. Today, various fireworks festivals are held in various parts of Japan, allowing visitors to enjoy the unique characteristics of each region.




The Sumida River Fireworks Festival in Tokyo, held annually in July, features approximately 20,000 fireworks shots. It is one of the most popular summer events in Tokyo, attracting more than one million visitors every year. I have actually participated in this event, and the fireworks were so beautiful that I fell in love with them, but there were so many people that it was difficult to go home (laugh).


追加情報で、日本の花火大会では1時間から2時間も花火が続くので、新年のシドニーの15分間花火等など、他の国の花火と比べてずっと長く楽しめます。As additional information, in Japan, the fireworks last for one or two hours, so you can enjoy them much longer than fireworks in other countries, such as the 15-minute New Year fireworks in Sydney.


また、花火大会は見て美しさを感じるだけでなく、様々な楽しみ方があります。特に、夏祭りや花火大会では普段着る機会が少ない浴衣を着るのが一般的で、より一層夏の雰囲気を楽しむことができます。さらに、花火大会には多くの屋台が出展するため、たこ焼き、焼きそば、かき氷など、日本を象徴する屋台グルメを楽しむことができるのも花火大会の醍醐味です。Moreover, fireworks festivals are not only beautiful to watch, but can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. In particular, yukata are generally worn at summer festivals and fireworks festivals, which are less common, and allow people to enjoy the atmosphere of summer even more. In addition, many food stalls will be on festival at the fireworks festival, so you can enjoy takoyaki (octopus dumplings), yakisoba (Japanese stir-fried noodles), kakigoori (shaved ice ), and other gourmet foods that symbolize Japan. It is one of the best parts of the festival.


日本の花火大会は、その美しさと伝統で多くの人々を魅了しています。夜空に咲く一瞬の美を楽しむために、友達や家族と一緒に出かけてみてください。きっと素晴すばらしい思い出ができることでしょう。それでは楽しい夏をお過ごしください!Fireworks festivals in Japan attract many people with their beauty and tradition. Take a trip with a friend or family member to enjoy the beauty of a single moment in the night sky. You are sure to have a wonderful time. Have an enjoyable summer!


< English for “Fireworks Festival” in conversation>会話で使える「花火大会」に関する英語


・Have you ever been to a fireworks festival before? Which fireworks festival do you recommend?


・Do you prefer to watch fireworks or to do them?花火はするのと、見るのとどちらが好きですか?

・Do you have any fond memories of fireworks festivals?花火大会での思い出はありますか?

・Why are most fireworks festivals held in the summer?なぜ花火大会は夏に開催されることが多いのですか?

・What is your favorite street food?あなたの好きな屋台の食べ物ものは何ですか?




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